Breast Lift with Implants

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A breast augmentation with implants is designed to contour the physique with breast implants, which are typically made of silicone or saline. However, an augmentation alone cannot combat the appearance of ptosis. For this reason, our Specialist Plastic Surgeon, Dr Vlad Milovic, can perform a comprehensive enhancement of the breasts by combining breast augmentation with a breast lift. During a consultation, he can help you determine whether a breast lift with implants is the right surgery to meet your needs.

Risks of Surgery

All surgical procedures carry risks and the potential for complications. While Dr Milovic is extensively trained and experienced with a comprehensive array of plastic surgery procedures and utilizes advanced techniques to help mitigate those risks, patients considering treatment should always be fully aware of them beforehand. Dr Milovic will go over all risks and potential complications associated with the procedure during the initial consultation, and we are happy to address any questions or concerns you may have.

Risks of this procedure include, but are not limited to:

What Is a Breast Lift with Implants?

Known in the medical world as an augmentation mastopexy, a breast lift with implants is designed to achieve multiple aesthetic goals at once. For instance, it can add shapeliness and volume to the breasts while also repositioning them. In addition, Dr Milovic can produce a “lifted” effect, reduce the size of areolas and address downward-facing nipples.

What Does the Breast Lift with Implants Procedure Involve?

As with a traditional augmentation or breast lift procedure, a variety of different methods can be employed based on a patient’s unique needs. Dr Milovic prefers to use these techniques:

During the breast lift portion of surgery, excess breast skin can be removed and the remaining tissues can be reshaped. Depending on the size and type of implants being placed, as well as the particular shape and condition of your breasts, the “lift” portion of the surgery may be done before or after the implants are placed.

An augmentation mastopexy is generally performed under anaesthesia with or without a hospital stay, depending on the methods being utilised and other procedural specifics.


How Long Does a Breast Lift with Implants Last?

The results of a breast lift with implants can be very long-lasting when the procedure is performed by an experienced provider. That said, the precise longevity of treatment results is contingent upon several factors. For example, weight fluctuations, hormonal changes and the natural course of ageing can all cause ptosis to develop once more. In addition, it is important to understand that implants can be susceptible to leaks and ruptures, and although they can last longer than the standard 10 years, certain implants are liable to last longer than others. Patients who desire an update to their previous augmentation or augmentation mastopexy may eventually become eligible for breast revision surgery.