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Which Fat Reduction Treatment is Right For Me?

Fat reduction treatments can typically be split into two categories: surgical and non-surgical. Patients may prefer one or the other for a few different reasons, not limited to their own medical history or treatment goals. Dr Vlad Milovic has helped patients reach said goals using both liposuction surgery and the non-invasive Venus Legacy™ treatment. While they differ in how they are performed, both methods are designed for fat reduction. Dr Milovic takes pride in his ability to tailor each treatment plan to your unique needs, and is always happy to help patients find the most beneficial procedure for their unique needs.

Liposuction is designed for areas on the body that have accumulated isolated pockets of fat, such as the stomach, thighs, buttocks and upper neck. At our practice, we use suction assisted liposuction (SAL), in which a cannula is inserted into the treatment area. Dr Milovic moves the cannula, which is attached to a vacuum device on the other side, in a front-and-back motion to penetrate the layer of fat being targeted. The procedure is often performed on an outpatient basis under general anesthesia, and the length of the surgery will depend on the work that needs to be done.

Venus Legacy™ follows a much different approach. This innovative, FDA-approved machine applies heat to the treatment area, which boosts collagen production and shrinks fat cells. In doing so, it can also tighten the skin and reduce stretch marks and cellulite. Each non-surgical treatment session only lasts around 15-30 minutes with little to no downtime or discomfort. The patient returns every week for their next session, and results begin to fully show within a few months.

While liposuction and Venus Legacy™ can both remove fat, they do so in different ways. Liposuction is designed to extract fat via the cannula, but as a non-surgical procedure the Venus Legacy™ uses radiofrequency energy, often allowing for a less-invasive procedure. Often, the former is used to treat more substantial pockets of isolated fat, while the latter can remove more subtle amounts while also diminishing wrinkles and cellulite. Therefore, your decision between the two may depend on the extent of the fat that needs addressing. You may also choose one over the other based on the level of treatment you need or desire. If you are interested in removing cellulite, note that the Venus Legacy™ is generally more effective for this purpose, as liposuction alone typically cannot remove cellulite.

Dr Milovic will provide insight into your decision after he thoroughly examines you and goes over your medical history. Schedule your consultation with Dr Milovic today.